The landing of the mothership at Scad University
--- Peep the art exhibition --- https://www.georgeclintonart.org/exhibitions/17-cloaked-in-a-cloud-disguised-in-the-sky-scad-museum-of-art/ ...

“Funkin’ Up Fine Art: The Psychedelic Visions of George Clinton”
The P-Funk pioneer has become an accomplished painter and visual ...

“Godfather, you are an example that our scholars can change the world starting right here,” said Principal Charity Haygood.
Beautiful to see @george_clinton, the godfather of funk, visit his ...

Come out to the 83rd grand conclave in Charlotte,NC July 24th as we board the mothership to shoot the official video!
View this post on Instagram A post shared by George ...

George Clinton & P-Funk talk 50 years of funk, “no setlist” rule, wild final tour
--- Peep the interview article --- https://www.goldminemag.com/columns/george-clinton-p-funk-talk-50-years-of-funk-no-set-list-rule-wild-final-tour ...